The main cause of tooth decay is the intake of sugar in the diet. It is not only the amount of sugar that is important but also how often it is eaten or drunk. The more often your child has sugary foods or drinks, the more likely they are to have decay.
It is important to have sugary foods, ideally just at mealtimes. If you want to give your child a snack, try to stick to cheese, vegetables and fruit. Try to limit how much dried fruit (particularly Raisins) you give as they are high in sugar.
Don’t give them drinks containing sugars, including fruit juices, between meals. Give them water or milk instead. For babies, don’t add sugar to their drinks or to foods when you introduce them to solids. It is also worth remembering that some processed baby foods contain quite a lot of sugar. Try checking the list of ingredients: the higher the list of sugar is, the more sugar there is in the product. Generally, anything ending in ‘ose’ is a sugar, for example, fructose, glucose, lactose or sucrose.
If your child needs to take any medication, please remember to check with your doctor or pharmacist that you are being prescribed sugar-free medicines at all times.
After the age of one, introduce a golden hour before bed when your child has nothing to eat or drink except for water. Their teeth should be brushed just before they go to bed, so the last thing in their mouth is fluoride toothpaste.